Symmetry Incident Management is a highly configurable application that captures business data pertinent to your organization. This enables you to…
- Capture site-specific information using geospatial analysis, perform assessments and notify teams of risk.
- Record incident details using dynamic fields that update based on responses.
- Regionalize notifications so the right people see the right information.
- Obtain a clear audit trail with supplemental documentation for event-related activity.
- Outline workflows that align with corporate policies, eliminating costly inconsistencies and inefficient communications.
- View all relevant data in one place, including floor plans, images and other site-specific details.
All this enables your teams to report, track and resolve cases in real time. And when integrated with AMAG’s Symmetry Access Control solution, alarm events are also captured by the Incident Management System, providing even more critical data for analysis.
Symmetry Incident Management is implemented as a hosted solution that resides in Microsoft Azure. It supports the latest browsers as well as iOS, Windows and Android operating systems.
Contact the NET100 security team today to discuss your workplace security problems and how AMAG’s Symmetry Incident Management system can solve them: 703-995-5200 or info@net100ltd.com.