Tag Archives: Fiber Installation

Secure In-Wall Options Advance Internet of Things and Smart Building Connectivity

The Tellabs FlexSym Optical Network Terminal 203W – implemented and supported by NET100 – is intended for advancing Internet of Things and Smart Building connectivity over fiber. The ONT203W in-wall unit offers 3-port Ethernet connectivity for new enterprise LAN installations: two ports support Gigabit Ethernet connectivity and a third high-speed port supports 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet. […]

Air Blown Fiber Replaces Conduits, Inner Ducts, and Pull Boxes

Air Blown Fiber (ABF) is an alternative way to install fiber optic cable in a LAN environment. Instead of pulling standard fiber optic cable, ABF uses a method to blow fiber cable point-to-point through pre-installed tubes to anywhere on your network. The heart of the Sumitomo ABF system is a highway of tubes that can […]

How NET100 Balances Traffic Over Wi-Fi and Optical LAN

Organizations are facing challenges with their wireless networks in the form of limited security, quality of service (QoS) and bandwidth – especially now that high-capacity Wi-Fi 6 systems are being widely implemented.   By pairing a passive Optical LAN with your wireless network, NET100 can optimize network performance to greatly improve your organization’s user experience […]

How NET100 Delivers Complex Infrastructure Projects on Time, Fully Tested and Ready to Perform

With every customer engagement, NET100 places a high value on teamwork and communication. From the start, our project managers are involved directly with your people to arrange and participate in site visits, owner and construction meetings, managing and monitoring the installation process, reporting on progress, and providing on-going field engineering support as needed. You will […]

NET100 is Your Trusted Partner for Infrastructure Cabling Solutions

NET100 has been providing expert cabling services for over 30 years. Whether you need a customized cabling design or assistance with your network infrastructure plan, we approach each project with a unique perspective, ensuring a well-defined scope of work and a seamless installation process. Our commitment to quality is evident in the competitive pricing of […]

A Game Changing Solution for Extending Remote Applications

Today’s networks must be fast and reliable, with the flexibility to handle ever-increasing data demands. An effective solution for these situations is the OneReach PoE Extender System from Leviton.  Implemented by NET100, this system overcomes the 328-foot distance limitation of traditional Ethernet connections to support remote applications as far away as 10,000 feet.   This […]

Air-Blown Fiber Speeds Network Builds

Sumitomo Electric Lightwave’s FutureFLEX® Air-Blown Fiber® offers unprecedented ease of installation, flexibility, and cost savings for current and future network requirements. The FutureFLEX® solution, implemented by NET100, is compatible with any network infrastructure design.   The technology and design of Sumitomo’s air-blown fiber solution provides immediate scalability with installations of exact fiber types and counts […]

Balancing Traffic over Wi-Fi and Optical LAN for Peak Performance

Organizations are facing challenges with their wireless networks in the form of limited security, quality of service (QoS) and bandwidth – especially now that high-capacity Wi-Fi 6 systems are being implemented.   By pairing a passive Optical LAN with your wireless network, you can optimize network performance to greatly improve the user experience in the […]

Air Blown Fiber Solutions – It’s All About the Tubes

Air Blown Fiber (ABF) is an alternative way to install fiber optic cable in a LAN environment. Instead of pulling standard fiber optic cable, ABF uses a method to blow fiber cable point-to-point through pre-installed tubes to anywhere on the network. The heart of the Sumitomo ABF system is a highway of tubes that can […]

Overcoming Fiber Installation Challenges During Office Lockdowns

As the COVID pandemic lingers, it’s challenging to continue “business as usual.” When it comes to installing fiber optics, no matter the size of project, there must be consideration for how to do it safely. Sumitomo Electric’s Air Blown Fiber (ABF) Solution has been around for decades, but was designed for times just like today. […]